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When Love Comes to Town
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Tripwire: Deathwing
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The Scorch Trials - James Dashner Also posted on my blog http://snugglingonthesofa.wordpress.com/2012/11/12/book-review-the-scorch-trials/‘The Scorch Trials’ by James Dashner is the second in the Maze Runner series. If found the first book good, but lacking in passion for the characters (check out my review here). The book begins as the Gladers are taken to a building far away. Here, they are told that the maze was only the beginning. To survive, they must cross the scorch- the wasteland crawling with people infected with the Flare. The Flare turns people into human-eating crazies. I can see why the publishers are so eager to compare this to the Hunger Games. I agree it is a very dog-eat-dog scenario, but the first book was lacking reader connection to the characters. In the beginning of ‘the Scorch Trials’, Teresa is taken away. We do meet some new characters; Aris, Jorge and Brenda. I think Brenda was introduced as another love interest for Tom; however with lots of guys to choose from, I think it’s a bit stereotypical both her and Teresa go for Tom! I did devour this book in one day (long train journeys!) so this may have differed my review slightly, as I didn’t take the time to ponder over the characters. I did enjoy the book, and will definately read the third book. However, I just feel there is something missing? The books has action, and does have character development, but there is something that nags me about the book. The only thing I can think of is that in the Hunger Games we straight away have compassion for Katniss; she looks after her sister, as well as her mother, and evokes some sympathy, which makes you back her as a winner. Tom from the Maze Runner series just doesn’t evoke any emotion. He seems to have been plonked in the winner/underdog position, but I have no reason to love him! However James Dashner’s writing is good, and the setting and concept is just amazing. Here’s hoping the third novel brings some satisfaction!